Kaliyugada Kalpataru Sri Baahika Rajaru Presentation of the Golden Chariot

Kaliyugada Kalpataru Sri Baahika Rajaru Presentation of the Golden Chariot

Kaliyugada Kalpataru

Third Delight

Sri Baahika Rajaru (ಶ್ರೀಬಾಹ್ಲೀಕರಾಜರರು)

Authored by Raja, S. Gururajacharya

7. Presentation of the Golden Chariot

While Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira) was ruling over Indraprastha, one day Narada visited him and advised him to perform the Rajasuya Yajna to ensure Pandu Raja's ascension to heaven. Yudhishthira, upon consulting with Lord Krishna, sent Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva on a conquest tour (Digvijaya Yatra). They emerged victorious everywhere, ensuring that the kings recognized Dharmaraja's sovereignty. Additionally, they brought back immense wealth, gold, and precious jewels given by the pleased kings and offered them to Dharmaraja.

During this conquest, Bhima and Arjuna arrived in the Bahika region. The Bahlikas welcomed and honored them with love and respect. Bhima and Arjuna, with humility and reverence, said, "Arya (noble one)! You are the elders of our clan. You are the elder brother of our ancestor Shantanu Chakravarti, making you our great-grandfather! You, being revered, must bless our elder brother Dharmaraja for the successful completion of the Rajasuya Yajna. We request you to come and participate in this great event, ensuring it is carried out flawlessly and successfully."

The Bahlikas, pleased and smiling, replied, "O Bhimasena and Arjuna! I am immensely delighted by your humility, faith, and affection. When the task of Yudhishthira, who embodies righteousness, is being supported by you, Bhimasena, the son of Vayudeva, and Dhananjaya (Arjuna), the son of Indradeva, what doubt can there be about its success? Moreover, with Shri Krishna, the incarnation of Narayana, who is the protector and well-wisher of the Pandavas, always by your side, the success of the Rajasuya Yajna is assured. Nonetheless, as an elder of the clan, you have shown me respect and expressed your love. This is natural and commendable for righteous souls like you. I am confident that with Shri Krishna, the lord of yoga, Bhimasena, the wielder of the mace, and Arjuna, the master archer, by your side, wealth, victory, and justice will always be with you. May you always be blessed with glory and prosperity.

I consider participating in such an auspicious event as service to Shri Hari (Lord Vishnu). I will certainly come and take part in the yajna ceremony and serve Shri Krishna to the best of my ability! Please convey this to Bhagavan (Lord Krishna) and Yudhishthira." Saying this, they bestowed precious gifts upon Bhima and Arjuna and contributed immense wealth, gold, and jewels for the Rajasuya Yajna.

Seeing Bahlikaraja's devotion to the Lord, love for his kin, and affection for his clan members, Bhima and Arjuna were overjoyed. They praised Bahlikaraja's virtues, took their leave, and set off for Indraprastha.

At Indraprastha, the Rajasuya Yajna ceremony was being conducted with great pomp and splendor. Kings, sages, scholars of the Vedas, and religious leaders from all parts of India had gathered. Dharmaraja, who was undergoing the consecration rituals, received respect and honor from everyone and was deeply involved in the Yajna activities. The Yajna was being overseen by Lord Krishna, Bhishma, and Drona, and it was proceeding extraordinarily well.

According to tradition, during the Yajna, Dharmaraja, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva offered the first worship (Agrapuja) to Lord Krishna, under the guidance of Bhishma, Drona, Parashurama, Bahlikaraja, and other dignitaries. However, Shishupala and Dantavakra, who were the third and final incarnations of Jaya and Vijaya as enemies of Hari due to the curse of Sanaka and his brothers, opposed and insulted Krishna for being given the Agrapuja. Lord Krishna then killed them with his Sudarshana Chakra, and the Agrapuja was completed, and the Rajasuya Yajna was successfully concluded.

Bahlikaraja, who had arrived at the Rajasuya Yajna with his sons and grandsons, felt blessed by the darshan of Lord Krishna. He served Krishna in various ways and received his blessings.

During this time, Bahlikaraja, inspired by Lord Krishna, decided to honor Bhimasena, who was an incarnation of Lord Vayu, with a special gift. In the presence of all the dignitaries and Lord Krishna, Bahlikaraja presented a magnificent and priceless golden chariot (Kanaka Ratha) to Bhimasena and the Pandavas. The chariot, beautifully adorned with gold, carried Lord Krishna, Yudhishthira, Bhimasena, and Draupadi, marking the occasion with grandeur and devotion. The chariot festival, filled with splendor and devotion, pleased Lord Hari, Vayu, and Bharati Devi and was an auspicious and joyous celebration for everyone present.

Then, Lord Krishna, smiling softly, said, "Bhimasena! This golden chariot offering and the festival carried out by your noble elder, the righteous and my dear devotee, Bahlikaraja, is indicative of the future great victories that will be achieved under Dharmaraja's leadership for the welfare of the world! I am very pleased today! How will you honor this Bahlikaraja, who shows you such respect?"

Bhimasena, with a gentle smile, responded, "Krishna! The one who is the cause of creation, maintenance, and destruction of all living and non-living beings, who is omnipresent, supreme, and the controller of all lives, acts in accordance with your will and pleasure. Who can act against your will? You, the master puppeteer, have inspired Bahlikaraja to present this golden chariot to us, and now you wish to fulfill your intentions through me! Let it be as you desire, O Supreme Lord," he prayed, turning to Bahlikaraja.

"Revered Bahlikaraja, elder of the Kuru dynasty! Your noble service has pleased Lord Hari. I, Bhimasena, and my brothers are delighted. You, who have honored us with this golden chariot alongside Lord Krishna, are blessed. I grant you, by Krishna's inspiration, a boon that in your future incarnations, you will be honored and revered like emperors, riding in chariots offered by devotees, whether in ambari, palanquins, or silver-golden chariots, bringing welfare to the world and earning the special grace of Lord Hari," he said with deep contentment.

Everyone was filled with immense joy.

Seeing this special grace bestowed upon them by Shri Hari and Vayu, Bahlikaraja was overwhelmed with joy, tears of happiness flowing, and with a choked voice, he said, "I am blessed."

After spending a few more days in Indraprastha, serving Lord Krishna, Bahlikaraja, along with his sons and grandsons, journeyed back to his own kingdom.